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Ko Aswál

International Encounter with the Kawésqar Culture | Zurich, Switzerland

The next day

Visita la sala de Exposiciones Ko Aswál

Museo Etnográfico de la Universidad

de Zürich en Suiza

Völkerkundemuseum Zürich 2023

                   Ko Aswál is the name of this event that in our language means "The next day" since this is not the first time that the Kawésqar come to Zürich. They also did it in 1882 when 11 indigenous people were kidnapped from the south of Chile to be exhibited in the Human Zoos, which toured the main cities of Europe and ended in the city of Zürich. This time, in a significant way, 11 Kawésqar star in the International Meeting with the Kawésqar Culture that is being held during July and August in the city of Zürich; opportunity to reflect, discuss and make visible the culture of the Kawésqar people, in the exhibition hall of the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zürich where activities for adults, youth  and kids.

The Kawésqar People Foundation, thanks to the support of the Chilean Embassy in Switzerland and the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zürich, has organized this important event. Sponsored by Filantropía Cortes Solari, Aerovías Dap and Nestlé.

Organize, finance and invite:

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Ko Aswál

International Encounter with the Kawésqar Culture, from southern Chile

Zurich, Switzerland

With theaim to promote intercultural dialogue, reconciliation and the visibility of the living culture of the descendants of the Kawésqar People in the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zürich, with the purpose of addressing the historical problems of human zoos and promoting from there respect towards native peoples, the Kawésqar People Foundation has organized this important event.

To make visible the living culture of the Kawésqar People through exhibitions, artistic displays, traditional presentations and testimonies, highlighting their cultural wealth, their traditions, their worldview and their relationship with the natural environment. As well as promoting awareness and awareness in society about the historical problems of human zoos and the negative impacts they had on native peoples, promoting critical reflection and a commitment to respect and recognition of the cultural and human rights of the peoples. natives.

During these first years and in various activities carried out by the Pueblo Kawésqar Foundation with cultivators from the indigenous communities, it was detected firsthand that the human zoos carried out more than a century ago remain latent in the collective memory, without anyone doing something for a historical reconciliation and compensation of the countries that promote these practices and those affected. That is why the materialization of this event is for those who most represent the culture, a very important milestone in the life of the native people.

With this meeting, it is expected to achieve recognition and appreciation, reconciliation and healing of the wounds of the past, awareness and public awareness, strengthening of the Kawésqar People and possible future alliances and collaborations.

We invite you to live this moment through our social networks, YouTube channel and associated media.

Kawésqar participate

Seven well-known Kawésqar worshipers from Puerto Edén, Puerto Natales, Río Verde and Punta Arenas bring to life the Ko Aswál International Meeting that we will celebrate between July and August 2023 in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. 


Ko Aswál Press

Accede al contenido digital que a través de la plataforma del Museo Etnográfico de la Universidad de Zürich, hemos puesto a disposición. Programa, entrevistas, fotografía, e incluso el material de lectura descargable que la sala de exposiciones Ko Aswál entrega a sus visitantes, en su versión Inglés o Español, comunicados de prensa y la visita virtual 360° que con el Museo hemos desarrollado.



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Ko Aswál Press

Francisco González kehrt an den Ort ihres Leidens zurück, Ein chilenischer Kawésqar sucht in Zürich Versöhnung

Neue Zürcher Zeitung - Zürich, Suiza


Kawésqar people return to Zürich after 140 years: An opportunity for history.

Radio Polar - Punta Arenas, Chile


Brutale Völkerschau: Als die Kawesqar in Zürich vorgeführt wurden. Einst wurden sie aus Patagonien nach Zürich verschleppt, wo viele den Tod fanden. Nun besucht eine Delegation der einstigen Seenomaden die Stadt – nicht um anzuklagen, sondern um aufzuklären.

SRF Kultur-Aktualität, 21 Juli 2023


Back for the future – Fortsetzung einer unmenschlichen Geschichte. 1882 wurden elf Kawesqar in Europa ausgestellt als «Die Wilden von Feuerland». Fünf von ihnen starben dabei alleine in Zürich. Nun sind wieder elf Kawesqar hier – sie suchen Versöhnung und präsentieren uns ihre eigene Geschichte.


Zoológicos humanos: cuando indígenas del pueblo Kawésqar fueron llevados desde Chile hacia Europa para ser expuestos. A 140 años, representantes del pueblo Kawésqar están en Suiza para liderar un encuentro que busca generar diálogo y “cerrar una herida abierta”.

Tendencias, La Tercera -  Santiago de Chile


Il ritorno a Zurigo che li trattò come selvaggi: Una delegazione di indigeni cileni Kawésqar in visita al museo di etnologia della città in cui, nel 1881, i loro antenati furono esibiti come bestie allo zoo

RSI News, Svizzera 28 Luglio 2023


Kawesqar in Zürich: Aufarbeitung der brutalen Völkerschau

SRF Kultur-Aktualität, 21 Juli 2023

Audio & Podcasts, Kontext Radio SRF 


Thank you so much

To the companies that supported prizes for the raffle and contributions that finance the activities:

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